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Top 10: One Day Slammed 2023

Nicole Hamilton July 21, 2023 Events

The 20th annual One Day Slam event held in Bristol, Pennsylvania, was an unforgettable experience filled with automotive marvels and a vibrant community of car and truck enthusiasts. Hosted by the esteemed Grounded 4 Life car and truck club, the event showcased nearly 400 show vehicles from the Northeast region, offering a rare opportunity to admire rides that aren’t often seen in public. The Bristol Township Parks and Recreation center served as the perfect backdrop for this exciting gathering. Tom Polio and the entire Grounded 4 Life crew orchestrated the logistics with precision, ensuring a smooth and exhilarating show. From stunning custom builds to meticulously restored classics, the show grounds brimmed with a diverse array of vehicles, each vying for top honors in this single-day extravaganza. As car aficionados and friends gathered in this charming East Coast town, the 20th anniversary of One Day Slam proved to be a momentous celebration of automotive passion and camaraderie.


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